DC - September 1995
Writer - James Robinson
Artist - Matt Smith
Part of the fantastic "Times Past" one-shot collection, this issue focuses on Ted Knight, the original Starman and deals with the more Golden Age elements of being a superhero; it's a great example of how intricate and detailed Robinson's Starman could be, and demonstrated just how fantastic it would become as the series progressed for the rest of the decade.

89. Batman: The Long Halloween #1
DC - December 1996
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Artist - Tim Sale
The first instalment of Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's epic retelling of Batman's second year of crimefighting; the focus shifts onto Harvey Dent for the majority, as we watch him become an integral part of Batman's plan to save Gotham City, and sets him on the path to becoming Two-Face.
88. Superman: Secret Identity #2
DC - February 2004
Writer - Kurt Busiek
Artist - Stuart Immonen
The second issue of this 'real world' interpretation of Superman sees the reporter side of Clark Kent coming through as he moves to New York; it's great to read this and compare it to the standard Superman canon, particularly when you're treated to a great script from Busiek and some gorgeous artwork, to boot.

87. 52 #1
DC - May 2006
Writers - Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka & Mark Waid
Artists - Joe Bennett & Keith Giffen
The first issue of the mega-event that was "52" teased just how fantastic the series would be; it introduces us to the majority of our protagonists and sets the ball rolling for their individual adventures and the overarching storyline that would fill out the next year.
86. Green Lantern: Rebirth #4
DC - March 2005
Writer - Geoff Johns
Artist - Ethan Van Sciver
The return of Sinestro at the end of issue 3 led to this fantastic 4th instalment as Green Arrow takes on the Yellow Lantern, while trying to protect Kyle Rayner; in the background, the real action's happening, though, as Hal Jordan finally returns to save his friends from his arch-nemesis.

85. Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3
Marvel - December 2008
Writer - Brian Michael Bendis
Artist - David Lafuente
The annual that deals with the burning question of Peter and Mary Jane's throbbing biological urges; it's an emotional rollercoaster, while Spider-Man deals with the usual problems in New York City, and David Lafuente makes his first venture into the world of Ultimate Spider-Man and shows just what an influence he'll have in the issues to come.
84. Incredible Hulk #420
Marvel - August 1994
Writer - Peter David
Artist - Gary Frank
The legendary AIDS issue featuring the death of Hulk's sidekick and friend, Jim Wilson; the death is painful and shows just how human the Hulk really is beneath his green, monstrous exterior, and thanks to Peter David and Gary Frank we see just how much humanity the Hulk contains.

83. Fell #3
Image - November 2005
Writer - Warren Ellis
Artist - Ben Templesmith
Every issue of Fell is perfect, but it was the third issue that takes home the prize as the most emotional and horrifying of all; Fell has to deal with a suicide bomber in a thrift store, and the horrible reality of what can drive a man to such actions.
82. Blackest Night #5
DC - January 2010
Writer - Geoff Johns
Artist - Ivan Reis
The turning point for Blackest Night came in the first issue of the latter end of the event, as Nekron summoned forth a Black Lantern Batman; as the heroes looked on this horrific construct infected all the resurrected heroes across the globe and turned them into Black Lanterns, dooming the Earth and leaving only Barry Allen and Hal Jordan to save the universe.

81. The Flash #1
DC - June 2010
Writer - Geoff Johns
Artist - Francis Manapul
The first issue of the new ongoing series for the Flash was the moment the character was redeemed in the eyes of readers, following years of awful comics featuring Wally West; the adventures of Barry Allen were a welcome change, and Francis Manapul's artwork wonderfully captured the sense of speed and energy needed to make the book fantastic.
Next: 80-71
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