Marvel - December 1991
Writer - Chris Claremont
Artist - Jim Lee
The final issue of Chris Claremont's original run on the X-Men books ends the first arc of the most successful X-Men series of all time; it's a lot of fun, and the Jim Lee art increases the enjoyment tenfold.

199. Hulk: The End
Marvel - August 2002
Writer - Peter David
Artist - Dale Keown
One of the slew of "The End" titles published throughout the early 2000s, this Hulk title ended the Hulk's life in the typical brutal fashion and served as one of the most fun and engaging stories of the Green Goliath Marvel has ever published.
198. Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America - Iron Man #5
Marvel - August 2007
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Artist - John Cassaday
The final issue of the trudging mini-series concerning the aftermath of Captain America's murder ended on a high note, via a low note; the funeral scene is the reason to love this one, and it proves to be incredibly moving and some of the post poignant work of Jeph Loeb's career.

197. Ultimate Fantastic Four #21
Marvel - September 2005
Writer - Mark Millar
Artist - Greg Land
Mark Millar's triumphant return to Ultimate Fantastic Four kicked off one of the best runs in the book's lifetime; this arc introduced the world to the Marvel Zombies that would dominate the market for the next five years, and also proved to be an incredibly good story.

196. Origin #2
Marvel - December 2001
Writer - Paul Jenkins
Artist - Andy Kubert
Hot on the heels of the X-Men movie came the mini-series that set out to give Wolverine an origin before Hollywood could; the second issue is where things get interesting and the book managing to keep the clawed one's true identity a secret until the final page of the second chapter.

195. Captain America (vol. 4) #1
Marvel - June 2002
Writer - John Ney Rieber
Artist - John Cassaday
The new series of Captain America launched in the wake of 9/11 and dealt with Cap's reaction to the disaster and his adjustment to the world in the aftermath; it's a well written, beautifully drawn start to a series that would eventually fold into Ed Brubaker's opus.
194. Amazing Spider-Man #500
Marvel - December 2003
Writer - J. Michael Straczynski
Artists - John Romita Jr. & John Romita Sr.
The big anniversary issue for Spider-Man featured a retrospective of the Webbed Wonder's career with the art of regular artist, John Romita Jr and old school Spidey penciller, John Romita Sr; the final scene featuring a brief reunion between Spidey and his Uncle Ben was arguably the highlight of JMS's run on the title.

193. X-Factor #87
Marvel - February 1993
Writer - Peter David
Artist - Joe Quesada
One of the best moments of Peter David's epic X-Factor run was this issue involving psychiatry and some looks at the development of character; the art by pre-head honcho Joe Quesada is an added bonus, showing his style in it's earlier, raw form.

192. Civil War #2
Marvel - June 2006
Writer - Mark Millar
Artist - Steve McNiven
While the aftermath of this issue has been retconned and completely discredited, the moment where Spider-Man unmasked, revealing his identity to the world was a major moment in the last twenty years; Mark Millar and Steve McNiven's Civil War had yet to suffer horrendous delays and the story still felt fresh and original.

191. Jonah Hex #33
DC - September 2008
Writers - Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Artist - Darwyn Cooke
Darwyn Cooke's artwork is some of the most wonderful and striking styles to come along in recent years; this one-shot focusing on Hex travelling to Canada to collect a bounty was wonderfully cartoony and incredibly violent at the same time.
Next: 190-181
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