DC - August 2001
Writers - David S. Goyer & Geoff Johns
Artist - Stephen Sadowski
The final chapter of the masterful "Return of Hawkman" was the JSA creative team's attempt at restoring the character to his former glory; while it failed in the long run, the issue itself is a perfect illustration of just how well the character can be written, and how he fits into the DC Universe.

169. Robin #1
DC - November 1993
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Artist - Tom Grummett
This moment was long overdue, but after years of acting as a sidekick, Robin finally broke free and got his own ongoing series; it marked the start of one of the best series of the next two decades, and the moment when Tim Drake became a truly definitive character.
168. We3 #3
Vertigo - March 2005
Writer - Grant Morrison
Artist - Frank Quitely
Demonstrating just how truly magnificent their work could be, Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely's brief mini-series about super-powered pets took a brutal turn in the final chapter; things seemed hopeless for the pets, but even after the copious amounts of bloodshed in this issue, it still manages to have something of a happy ending.

167. Superman for All Seasons #1
DC - September 1998
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Artist - Tim Sale
Another attempt at retelling Superman's early days gave us this great series by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale; the first issue is the basic Superman Smallville tale told from the point of view of Pa Kent, bringing forth all sorts of new emotions to a story that's been countless times.
166. Incredible Hulk #417
Marvel - May 1994
Writer - Peter David
Artist - Gary Frank
The Rick Jones marriage issues of Incredible Hulk are some of the most fun comics produced in the 1990s; this issue focusing on the Bachelor Party is great fun, and features one of the best covers to come out of Marvel in years.

165. Sweet Tooth #5
Vertigo - March 2010
Writer - Jeff Lemire
Artist - Jeff Lemire
The final chapter of Sweet Tooth's first arc took a brutal twist that nobody saw coming; the relationship between Gus and Jeppard had grown strong over the past four issues, but this chapter featured a horrific revelation and changed the face of the book forever.

164. All Star Superman #12
DC - October 2008
Writer - Grant Morrison
Artist - Frank Quitely
The final chapter of Morrison and Quitely's masterful reimagining of Superman was a truly great moment for the series; the final battle between Superman and Lex Luthor, and ultimately the death of our hero as he saves the world from annihilation, it was wonderfully emotional stuff.

163. Jonah Hex #35
DC - November 2008
Writer - Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Artist - J. H. Williams III
The best part about Jonah Hex most issues is the artwork, which always seems to shine even the story doesn't; this issue is great in that it features a great story and great artwork and some of the best layouts ever featured in an issue of Jonah Hex.
162. Y: The Last Man #60
Vertigo - March 2008
Writer - Brian K. Vaughan
Artist - Pia Guerra
The final issue of BKV's opus, this served as an epilogue to the series as a whole, showing us the ultimate fate of Yorick Brown; it's one of the best final issues in recent memory and features some heartbreaking moments throughout.

161. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (vol. 2) #5
America's Best Comics - July 2003
Writer - Alan Moore
Artist - Kevin O'Neill
The weirdest issue of Alan More's fantastic interpretation of classic literary figures features parodies of various cartoon animals, as well as the most brutal death scene ever; the sequence in which Mr. Hyde beats and rapes the Invisible Man to death for his actions throughout the series was deserved, but nonetheless disturbing.
Next: 160-151
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