Writer - Grant Morrison
Artist - Rags Morales
The first chapter of this revamped Superman tale features some great allusions to Grant Morrison's epic "Supergods" essays. Not only that, but the art by Rags Morales is fantastic and the tweaks to this revamp are all for the better, drastically improving the previously stale concept.
Animal Man #1
Writer - Jeff Lemire
Artist - Travel Foreman
One of the best single issues I've read in a while, and easily the best thing Jeff Lemire has penned; an intriguing premise, great characterization and sort absolutely stunning artwork from Travel Foreman make this one of the two best releases of the DCnU so far.
Batgirl #1
Writer - Gail Simone
Artist - Ardian Syaf
The redefinition of Barbara Gordon is, perhaps, the most controversial element of the DCnU, but this issue was a great introduction to the character and the world of Batgirl. Gail Simone demonstrates a perfect knowledge of the character, while Ardian Syaf's artwork is tonally, fantastic.
Batwing #1
Writer - Judd Winick
Artist - Ben Oliver
This is a fairly intriguing concept, taken directly from Grant Morrison's "Batman Inc" series, but while Judd Winick is drawing us in with a great premise, Ben Oliver is repelling us with artwork that, while suitable, doesn't have much going for it compared with some of the other books in the DCnU.
Detective Comics #1
Writer - Tony S. Daniel
Artist - Tony S. Daniel
Tony S. Daniel has gone through a bit of a revamp along with the DC Universe; gone are his inability to tell a compelling story, and his artwork has improved tenfold. This was a fairly dark and interesting start to a new era of Batman, but there was nothing truly special or memorable about it until the last page, which featured one of the biggest "what the fuck" moments in recent memory.
Green Arrow #1
Writer - J. T. Krul
Artists - Dan Jurgens & George Perez
Despite some decent artwork from the combined talents of two comic book legends, this Green Arrow revamp is one of the weakest books of the relaunch. J. T. Krul drove the previous incarnation into the ground with bored plots and poor character development, and here he does more of the same, penning a story that is horribly written from start to finish.
Hawk and Dove #1
Writer - Sterling Gates
Artist - Rob Liefeld
I gave this the benefit of the doubt. It's common knowledge that I despise Rob Liefeld, but Hawk and Dove was where he started out in comics, and so I figured maybe there would be some spark here that demonstrated just why he is considered so great. Not so. Sterling Gates tells an okay story, but there's no life to either character, and Liefeld's artwork is a crime against nature. The worst book of the DCnU so far.

Writer - Dan Jurgens
Artist - Aaron Lopresti
A great reinvention of one of the best Justice League incarnations ever; Dan Jurgens writes a decent introduction, capturing the characters well, and putting emphasis on Booster Gold. The art by Aaron Lopresti is fantastic, calling back to his work on Generation Lost that helped make this series possible.

Writer - Ivan Brandon
Artist - Tom Derenick
A decent war comic set within the DCnU; the ties to the character of Sgt. Rock are flimsy, but that doesn't stop this from feeling like an intense Call of Duty experience thanks to a decent script from Ivan Brandon. Tom Derenick's artwork, meanwhile, isn't perfect but serves it's purpose in the story.

Writers - Dan Didio & Keith Giffen
Artists - Keith Giffen & Scott Koblish
This was a genuine surprise. Jack Kirby-style artwork from Keith Giffen and Scott Koblish proves to be genuinely perfect, while the script from Giffen and Dan Didio may be the best thing Didio has contributed his name to in recent years. A great start to what may be a truly surprising series.
Static Shock #1
Writers - Scott McDaniel & John Rozum
Artist - Scott McDaniel
Static Shock has never been one of my favourite series, nor has the character of Static ever proved totally appealing. This new series, written and drawn by Scott McDaniel (with writing assists from John Rozum) is a fairly good example of why. The whole issue feels like a rip-off of Spider-Man; there's nothing really engaging about the story or characters, and the art by McDaniel is fairly bland. But then, maybe I'm not the right audience.
Stormwatch #1
Writer - Paul Cornell
Artist - Miguel Sepulveda
The first major example of the DCnU's ties to the Wildstorm Universe. This series has a decent script from Paul Cornell and some okay artwork from Miguel Sepulveda and manages to capture some of the flair of Warren Ellis' run on The Authority, as well as adding some fairly welcome characters from the DC Universe. It wasn't as perfect as it should have been, though, which is a shame.
Swamp Thing #1
Writer - Scott Snyder
Artist - Yanick Paquette
Alongside Animal Man, Swamp Thing is arguably the best thing DC has put out this week; it's a dark, gritty horror comic that ties directly into the DC Universe, and brings Vertigo back in a big, big way. Scott Snyder proves he's one of the best talents at DC with an incredible script, while Yanick Paquette hands in artwork that puts his excellent Batman Inc pages to shame. This is a true example of excellence in comic books.
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