Superman #1
Written by George Perez
Art by Jesus Merino
Cover by George Perez
Wow. Just wow. George Perez, who single-handedly made Wonder Woman awesome back in the day, is going to write the main Superman title. It's a shame he's not drawing it, but then again, Perez is getting on a bit now, so writing is fine enough. Jesus Merino is a decent talent to have on the book, too. There's a lot of intrigue in the cover, too; just check out Superman's spanking new costume, and if DC's teaser is to be believed, something critical will happen to his life as Clark Kent.
Potential for Success: 10/10
Supergirl #1
Written by Michael Green & Mike Johnson
Art & Cover by Mahmud Asrar
I'm liking the sound of where DC is going with these Superman family books. Supergirl will no longer be the naive young alien girl on Earth trying to blend in; now she's going to be badass and human-hating. That makes for a really interesting contrast to the current book, as well as a lot of potential for the decent writing team of Michael Green and Mike Johnson to explore. The fact that the art is by Mahmud Asrar, too, makes me genuinely excited; I've loved his work since "Dynamo 5" and to see him work on a major title is truly thrilling.
Potential for Success: 9/10
Superboy #1
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art & Cover by R. B. Silva & Rob Lean
This is the only Superman family book I'm not really excited for. The fact that they're going for a more science fiction kind of deal is interesting, and turning Superboy into a cyborg adds a lot of potential for great stories, but I'm not convinced that Scott Lobdell has improved at all since his awful work in the 1990s. Unfortunately, the only other thing going for this book is the artwork by R. B. Silva and Rob Lean, and already I have to say: Not a fan.
Potential for Success: 4/10

Written by Grant Morrison
Art & Cover by Rags Morales
I squealed. I genuinely jumped up and squealed at this. Grant Morrison has transformed the Batman books into a sprawling epic over the better part of the last decade, and now it looks like he's set to do the same to Superman. All we know is that Superman will somehow be at odds with the people of Earth and that humanity will have given up trusting the Man of Steel. I am super excited for this series (no pun intended) and there is no better team for a number one issue than Grant Morrison, the number one writer in comics, and Rags Morales, an artist who has proved himself to be absolutely fantastic in every way. This truly makes me happy to be reading comics, and almost single-handedly makes up for every bad announcement and cancellation this week. I can't wait.
Potential for Success: 10/10
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